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Sheriff Candidate - Justin Nagel 

The only candidate from Kootenai County

Knowledge - Ethics - Integrity

Kootenai County, this is our Sheriff Candidate. Meet Justin Nagel, a lifelong resident of our county. Nagel appreciates our way of life here and doesn't want to see our law enforcement community become like that of Los Angeles. If you want a Sheriff who knows our community, knows the difficult issues we face, and is willing to take them on, vote for Justin Nagel. 

Contrary to popular belief, the position of Sheriff was created to enable a citizen representative to lead the department, putting the interest of the citizens first. The Sheriff is not elected to protect the police. The Sheriff is not elected to be "Top Cop." The Sheriff is not required to be a law enforcement veteran. They are elected to manage our law enforcement employees. It is a position created to ensure a system of checks and balances to protect you, the citizens, from low quality or improper police behavior.


Naturally in order to protect citizens, a Sheriff must manage a healthy organization of law enforcement employees. This requires being able to listen to their needs and doing all that is possible within reason to provide solutions. 


There is a requirement that must be met to protect your GOD given, and constitutional rights. Incidentally, Detention Deputies become one of the points of checks and balances to help ensure arresting officers follow proper protocol. A Detention Deputy holds a vital position. They cannot legally receive a prisoner from a patrolman without legitimate grounds. One of the reasons our jail is overcrowded is because there are too many unnecessary or illegitimate arrests made, and allowed.  â€‹


If forced to choose, a community could have a jail without a patrol system; but it could not have a patrol system without a jail. Nagel is concerned about underpaid Detention Deputies and an over crowded jail. Training and policy enforcement will help remedy the problem.


Nagel's Order Of Representation:

  1. Citizens

  2. Jails and Detention Deputies

  3. Patrol Officers


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